Friday, October 25, 2013

A Treatise on the similar aspects of Dissociation and Super Glue

That title gives me a chuckle.  Anyway.  I"m high, and tried to fix a stick on light that I had "stuck on" my door a few weeks ago, but unstuck itself.  Meaning when I came home the other day, the light was on the ground, not on the door, giving nice, safe illumination of my lock.

So, being the tinkerer I am, I tried to fix it now, wihile high on DXM, which was fun, then frustrating, then angry making, and now as I reflect, it is fucking hilarious:).  My typing suckx because I have fing super glue on th4e tips of all o =f my fingers.  Thus: the dissociation   connection:

As I was trying to pull apart then stick together all these plastic parts, the glue strated drying and my fingers became part of the project.  I was ensconceed in super glue at the fingertip level.  And I was worried because I was high, that I might hurt myself.  I wish I could draw a picture lol.  I'm sitting at the table, eyes not able to focus, with little white plastic parts slathered in super glue intertwined in my fingertips, and i realize, i'm all glued together.  Fun.   So, huh.  OK, go slow, cause we don't want to rip our skin, so I go slow, and am worried that the drugs or the super glue are not leeting me feel the pain because it doesn't hurt.  And I slowly pull apart m y fingers and plastic bits.  I'm gonna go back and fix it after this, damnit!  But wow, I got all sepaerated without hurting myself.  But now, instead of acrylic nails, I have acrylic fingers.  I feel like a proto-robo-cop writing this now, my fingertips literally are clacking on the keyboard, they are so hard from the casing of superglue.  I love my dorky ass, engineer, drug stupid self :)