Saturday, August 28, 2010

So What the Fuck Did I Talk to F About?

So yeah, first let me state that I'm wasted.  I don't know if I'll let Lara read this because of my drunkenness.  It would get me kicked out of group.  Whatever.  Fuck it.

So, Dr. F and I, what did we talk about?  Well, he said Hi, I said Hi and it went on from there.  He asked me what I had been up to since November.  I told him I went to detox, then to rehab, then to WIIT.  I told him I had been treated for my trauma, even though I was not able to remember anything.

Yeah, so fuck F.  I don't want to talk about him anymore.  He may have not have meant to fuck me up, but he did; so he deserves no more of my time tonight.  Fuck him.  Fuck him, fuck him.  In fact I am so sick of this shit that I almost want to be direct and just tell him.  Fuck him.

I went out tonight with Sarah, and old friend from Gville.  We wound up at her local lesbian bar, partying hard.  It was fun.  Except that alcohol makes me puke and gives me a headache.  But I had fun.  And I want to write some songs.  Good times.

I'm still pretty wasted, although I've already done a pretty thorough round of puking already.  I'm going to go walk on the beach, swim and think about F and what I would say to him if I could just talk to him and not chicken out.  I am also going to hop the beautiful glass fence to the condos down the street and go in their hot tub.  Good times.  I will also listen to my Ipod.  I love technology.  Good night for now.

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