Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hate work, but love the Flobots

I am stuck here at work and I hate it. I don’t know if hate is even the word. Ennui I guess. I can not make myself do anything I’m supposed to do.

Fuck this.

I hate work, school and life. And all that is not OK. I guess it may be partly to the drinking on Sunday night, which always takes me a while to get over.

I guess I’ll do the fucking yoga this afternoon, maybe that’ll get me out of this funk

I’ve decided I should never read reviews for movies or albums. Or books. They just ruin what my own thoughts are. And the negative reviews taint me the most.

"Handlebars", by Flobots- Best Song Ever. Or at least this year. Or for the past 5 years at least:

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