Friday, July 5, 2013

We were so strong. I was so strong.

I just have to validate myself.  To tell myself.  We were so so soooooooooooooo fucking strong.  We NEVER EVER hit back.  Never once.  Never once. Never.  Wow.  She is so lucky.  We could have killed her, and we "did not strike back" like the poet said.  We took her hitting us and belittling us and hurting us and being mean to Jeremy and took it all and never broke.   Wow. 

I am so proud of us.  So proud.  I am proud that we could get to the point to be proud about it:)  God damn, this therapy has been hard fucking work.  I don't know how the poets and the singers do it.  I know not everyone uses therapy.  But that's how it worked for me.  But now I think.   NoW  I don't know.  I was gonna say now I'm going to be a poet.  But I don't know.  I know I want to be a warrior for truth and growth and health.  How to do this is slightly unclear.

I love you.  I love us.  We are the strongest baddest toughest person and we can take shit and we can protect people and we can protect ourselves.  We are awesome.  You took it. We took it and never struck back.  And that. That is the strength.

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